Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

DIY: Build Home Theater Cabinets with Simple Guide

home theater cabinets idea
There are plenty of would you units available, but finding exactly what you need is where the problems comes in. Home Theater systems cabinets usually mean deceased space that only gathers dirt. Building your own is the best way to be sure your cinema cupboard enhances your elements.

Place the two items of 22-by-84-by-¾-inch plyboard (ends) on a worktable. Evaluate from one end and make represents at 3, 18, 57 and 70 inches wide. Position the creating rectangle on each of the represents and sketch collections across the size of the plyboard. Level the bottom part of the collections for the racks.

Place the five items of 22-by-46½ by ¾-inch plyboard (shelves) on the worktable. Implement stick to the sides, put them between the finishes and protected them with the complete claws.

Apply stick to the sides of the would you cupboard. Position the ¼-inch plyboard on it and protected it to the cupboard with the 1d box claws. Be certain that the pros of the plyboard is experiencing inside the cinema cupboard.

Turn the would you cupboard over. Position the 2-by-84-inch wood on the front of the cupboard. Next, put the four items of 3-inch wood between the two 84-inch items as indicated in the representation.

Apply stick to the finishes of the 3-inch items and secure them firmly with the bar clamps. Fresh unwanted stick with a wet fabric. Let them dry over night.
home theater cabinets design

Remove the clamps and routine lead gaps through the shape with the 1/16-inch routine bit. Implement stick to the sides of the cupboard, put the shape back on it and protected it with the complete claws. Sand the joint parts with a buckle sander and 100-grit emery paper.

Always clean unwanted stick instantly with a wet fabric. Set the claws with a claw set and complete the gaps with putty.

Do not leave equipment unwatched in the use of children. Do not dirt or colour without proper air flow. `
home theater cabinets installation

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